Getting Started Again: MacGPSPro

So, life has been busy so not had much chance to play with my Garmin Etrex Vista and the batteries went flat too. Excuses, excuses. I thought that...
I'd be able to simple install X11 on my mac and have access to a heap of free tools, but since I last did this it seems that X11 is not free and easy to install. You can choose one, free or easy. I went down the "I want to do it myself" route using OroborOSX-v0.9 and got into a bit of a pickle. One of those pickles where you think you've got it running but you aren't too sure. Niggly errors niggle...
The world of GPS seems so confusing, I've now gone down the "easy" route, I hope by buying MacGPSPro. The install was nice.. innovatively they use an alias of your Applications folder... promising...
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